Anthology exploring the keywords of colonial heritage
Edited by Casper Andersen, Britta Timm Knudsen & Christoffer Kølvraa
"The overall aim is to investigate decolonial heritage practices outside Europe in former colonized territories with multiple and different histories of colonialisms as well as to look at decolonial practices inside Europe while keeping in mind the very different trajectories of the different European colonial projects. The fact that Europe's colonial past is simultaneously present as an undeniable heritage in its cities, institutions and international relationships, and also constantly 'echoed' back to it from the former colonized 'outside' constitutes both the challenge and the promise of the ECHOES project; to look for way in which to engage a decolonized future by seeking inspiration in how the colonial past is managed, transformed and worked on by various artistic, political, heritage or civil actors in cityscapes within and beyond the with European continent."
Read our introduction.
"... today, these complex colonial legacies and heritage remain central not only to postcolonial societies overseas but also still echo resoundingly across Europe itself."
"Internal colonization is a term used in the social sciences and humanities to define the subordination of one European people to others in terms of 'colonialism'."
"Part of the problem in defining colonialism is that it is sometimes confused with 'imperialism'."
"To talk of epistemic decolonization, then, is to suggest that knowledge itself has been colonized, and needs to be decolonized."
"Therefore, the focus shifts from the representation and access of authorised heritage to the affective and sensorial dimensions..."
"Decolonization, therefore, is not merely (or indeed primarily) an event that took place when and where formal colonial rule came to an end ..."
"A reframed colonial past can then, while boosting local, regional or even national economies, prevent awareness of, public debates on and actions relating to the past in question."
"At the heart of science diplomacy in the context of (de)colonial heritage, thus lie concerns about the direction and flow of knowledge as well as attitudes towards receiving knowledge and listening..."
"The reworking of European legacy within which revolves the decolonial turn of art unfolds in frames of protestation, resistance and emancipation ..."
"Interculturality is the ethical, social and communicative practices, which are performed in the contact zones."
"... the concept of Repression simultaneously connotes the forceful rejection of a past experience, and its ‘return’ or lingering existence despite this effort."
"Contrary to both repression and removal and like re-framing, re-emergence allows the ghosts of the colonial past to re-appear in the becoming of new futures."
"... the practice and management analyzed encompass not just the materiality and discursivity of colonial heritage..."
"The colonial past is no longer covered over, silenced, marginalised or ignored, rather it is dragged out into the open with the intense hope of once and for all being able to expel it."
"At root, this position is a rejection of the kind of abstract universalism that characterizes modern Western thinking."
"The origins of the present day 'entanglement' dates back to the unequal power relations of colonialism."
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreed No 770248
Anthology exploring the keywords of colonial heritage
Edited by Casper Andersen, Britta Timm Knudsen & Christoffer Kølvraa
"The overall aim is to investigate decolonial heritage practices outside Europe in former colonized territories with multiple and different histories of colonialisms as well as to look at decolonial practices inside Europe while keeping in mind the very different trajectories of the different European colonial projects. The fact that Europe's colonial past is simultaneously present as an undeniable heritage in its cities, institutions and international relationships, and also constantly 'echoed' back to it from the former colonized 'outside' constitutes both the challenge and the promise of the ECHOES project; to look for way in which to engage a decolonized future by seeking inspiration in how the colonial past is managed, transformed and worked on by various artistic, political, heritage or civil actors in cityscapes within and beyond the with European continent."
Read our introduction.
"... today, these complex colonial legacies and heritage remain central not only to postcolonial societies overseas but also still echo resoundingly across Europe itself."
"To talk of epistemic decolonization, then, is to suggest that knowledge itself has been colonized, and needs to be decolonized."
"At the heart of science diplomacy in the context of (de)colonial heritage, thus lie concerns about the direction and flow of knowledge as well as attitudes towards receiving knowledge and listening..."
"Contrary to both repression and removal and like re-framing, re-emergence allows the ghosts of the colonial past to re-appear in the becoming of new futures."
"Part of the problem in defining colonialism is that it is sometimes confused with 'imperialism'."
"Interculturality is the ethical, social and communicative practices, which are performed in the contact zones."
"The origins of the present day 'entanglement' dates back to the unequal power relations of colonialism."
"Decolonization, therefore, is not merely (or indeed primarily) an event that took place when and where formal colonial rule came to an end ..."
"The reworking of European legacy within which revolves the decolonial turn of art unfolds in frames of protestation, resistance and emancipation ..."
"... the concept of Repression simultaneously connotes the forceful rejection of a past experience, and its ‘return’ or lingering existence despite this effort."
"Therefore, the focus shifts from the representation and access of authorised heritage to the affective and sensorial dimensions..."
"... the practice and management analyzed encompass not just the materiality and discursivity of colonial heritage..."
"A reframed colonial past can then, while boosting local, regional or even national economies, prevent awareness of, public debates on and actions relating to the past in question."
"At root, this position is a rejection of the kind of abstract universalism that characterizes modern Western thinking."
"The colonial past is no longer covered over, silenced, marginalised or ignored, rather it is dragged out into the open with the intense hope of once and for all being able to expel it."
"Internal colonization is a term used in the social sciences and humanities to define the subordination of one European people to others in terms of 'colonialism'."
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreed No 770248